Raising the Roof on Open House Attendance
NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY COLLEGE HAS SERVED the north shore communities around Boston for over 50 years. Offering 80+ degrees in a range of curriculum and professional development areas. Following recent trend of declining enrollment and visitation as robust employment and economic opportunity tempt candidates directly into the job market, North Shore Community College needed a lift in marketing performance to drive applications.
DIGITAL MARKETING CAMPAIGNS promoting a summer Open House offered an opportunity to pilot new approaches to attracting and converting prospects.
"RSVPs Through the Roof!"
DAYS BEFORE THE EVENT, the client emailed asking to discontinue all advertising, as they were oversubscribed with RSVP appointments. Previously, there were no defined goals and little measurement of prospect progress toward enrollment.
- Landing page arrivals: 3,450
- "Apply Now" Clicks: 76 (2.2%)
- Financial Aid Clicks: 144 (4.2%)
- Transfer Clicks: 34 (1.0%)
- Academic Programs Clicks: 396 (11.5%)
- Bachelors Degree Clicks: 34 (1.0%)
- Other measured goals: 30 (0.9%)
Digital Advertising | Open House | Case Study | North Shore Community College