Search trends reveal customers' thoughts
LOOK AT EVERY QUERY as a momentary peek into someone's mind. The way customers express their thoughts in search provides insights into marketing language. If you're listening closely, you may hear new product ideas, service breakdowns, and emerging competitive opportunities.
GOOGLE PROVIDES GLOBAL SEARCH REPORTS periodically on their thinkwithgoogle blog. Reports and info graphics like this one contain crucial insights for marketing. Google also maintains a free tool to enter any search topic and see how it's rising/falling in popularity over time in various geographies.
THE LANGUAGE OF THE MARKETPLACE is chosen by your customers. Make sure your phrasing matches theirs. Too often, clients use jargon more than their customers do, handicapping their search efforts. Usually the biggest "head terms" in any market are simple words and phrases.
Search Trends | Organic, Paid, SEO, PPC