Compare the top e-commerce platforms.
MAKING THE RIGHT E-COMMERCE PLATFORM CHOICE requires carefully assessing needs in advance, and making sure the platform handles your current and anticipated future commerce demands. There are many platform choices, from open source plug-ins, hosted bundles, and custom deployments.
This chart shows the actual share of live sites worldwide.
This chart shows the actual share of live sites worldwide.
An open and closed case for security
OPEN PLATFORMS HAVE THE ADVANTAGE of contributions from independent developers all over the world. There are lots of design templates, functional tools, and free plug-ins. Unfortunately, while some of those developers are very talented and provide an enormous value, others are sloppy, misinformed, and malicious. And there is no oversight or recourse for dysfunctional or even deliberately destructive code. As a result, we are cautioning clients about two of the most common open platforms:
Wordpress: Built for blogging, it has expanded to become the most popular website platform. However, the same approach that makes it easy to use for non-technical people also makes it very easy to hack, often without the owner having any indication. Lungfish recommends against using Wordpress, especially for transaction processing (in particular the legendary flimsy Woo Commerce plugin).
Magento: Yes, the pioneering enterprise e-commerce platform has a hacking problem too. For big stores with high transactions, the potential exposure of credit cards and customer PII is serious. With so many high profile security breaches in the news (IRS and federal payroll records, among others), large e-commerce operators are wise to consider the consequences of appearing on the front page, and make sure to have security expertise on board.
Best e-commerce platforms offer feature sets including: