Getting started is the hardest part
PLENTY OF COMPANIES MAKE THE RECOGNITION they need help, but hesitate to make a change. It's like changing banks or email ISPs, there are so many related accounts that were a pain to set up correctly, and nobody looks forward to slogging through that again.
IT'S ALSO RISKY. After all the new resource may not be any better than the old one. And if the change means turning away from an internal team to an external team, it's likely to be laden with politics and emotions.
IT'S ALSO RISKY. After all the new resource may not be any better than the old one. And if the change means turning away from an internal team to an external team, it's likely to be laden with politics and emotions.
HERE'S A HANDY SEARCH/SEO CHECKLIST that should make it easier to upgrade your resources.
Even if you're not planning a change, it's a good summary of the accounts and connections you should have set up, and under administrative control. |
THE TOOLSET IS THE FOUNDATION for a successful program. Most Lungfish engagements begin with a review (and usually an enhancement) of the measurement toolset. Without these critical measurement and performance tools in place, it's more challenging to perform well, and impossible to accurately measure performance from period to period to know how you're doing.
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